
A Geek Leader Podcast was created by me, John Rouda, as a way to inspire and grow IT Leaders where ever I can.  I have 3 kids and I want to do whatever I can to leave the tech community in a better place than I found it and to make sure that when/if my kids enter technology, they have good managers and leaders around them.  I believe strongly that you can lead at any level and that a title doesn’t make a leader. In this podcast I try to teach some of the concepts and ideas that I’m learning as I a grow my leadership skills. I’ll review books, have guests, and do solo shows about specific topics that I find valuable.

IJohn-Rouda-e1426905014375 am an IT leader and Computer Science Professor.   Currently I lead an IT department and my teams are responsible for application, infrastructure, support, networking, telephony, and network security. I teach as an adjunct faculty member at York Technical College and at Winthrop University. My career has taken me all over technology.  I’ve worked as a PC Technician, a Database Administrator, a Systems Administrator, a .NET/SharePoint Developer, a LAMP Developer, Web and Mobile Development Manager and now an IT Director. I founded a web design/development/hosting company in 1999 and ran that for 7 years before selling it to a larger competitor. Needless to say, I’ve been around technology for  a long time.  My first PC was a commodore 64, and after that my neighbor, who worked at NCR, helped me build a 286 (actually it was a 287 because it had the math co-processor) which I used MS DOS’s DoubleSpace to boost my hard drive size to 500MB, which I knew I would never be able to fill up in my lifetime… boy was I wrong.

I enjoy spending time with my wife and kids, speaking at conferences and events, building mobile apps and websites, running slowly, and writing non-fiction. I’ve written three books, all of which can be found on my website below or search “John Rouda” in the app stores to take a look at my apps.

I am married to a wonderful wife and have a beautiful family that I love dearly.  You can find out more about me at https://www.johnrouda.com or follow me on twitter @johnrouda.

I’m also a super geek.