AGL 123: Rewards and Recognition

Building Better Teams
AGL 122: Building Better Teams
September 20, 2019
John D. Wood
AGL 124: The Humachine with John Wood
October 4, 2019

AGL 123: Rewards and Recognition

Rewards and Recognition

Today I’m back with a solo show about rewards and recognition. I started the draft of this episode more than a year ago but I haven’t found the right time to air it… until now.


Rewards often involve something of monetary value being given to an employee or team in response to achieving something pretty great.  A recognition, however, is something that doesn’t need to be associated with an accomplishment, but it can be.  A recognition is usually praise or something with  psychological value and not necessarily monetary value. I’ll give some examples on the show.

Today I talked about:

  • Rewards vs. recognition
  • Separating rewards from pay
  • Not rewarding or Recognizing Mediocrity
  • Employee Anniversaries
  • Thank You Notes
  • Celebrating Wins

I hope you enjoyed this show, please head over to Apple Podcasts and subscribe and leave me a rating and review, even one sentence will help spread the word.  Thanks again!