AGL 206: Leadership and Security in 2021 with Vincent Scott

About Vincent

Vince currently serves as the Founder and President of Defense Cybersecurity Group, focused on DoD cybersecurity, cyber compliance and assessments. He also currently serves as the Chief Security Officer for STI-TEC, a medium sized government contractor. Vince had a diverse career in military operations, cyber and information warfare, and intelligence operations. He served with national intelligence agencies and deployed numerous times including both the first and second Gulf Wars, Bosnia and elsewhere. After his Navy career, Vince served with Oklahoma State University’s Multispectral Laboratory (UML) as Chief Information Officer and the Director of C5ISR. In that role he also lead the UML Security organization. Following his tour at Oklahoma State, Vince held positions with Procter and Gamble as their global leader of cyber incident response and threat intelligence, served as a Director in PwC’s Cybersecurity and Privacy practice, and led PwC’s national cyber threat intelligence organization, developing a deep reservoir of experience in government and commercial industry. He used to play offense, and now coaches defense.

Today We Talked About

  • Vincent’s Background
  • Cyber Security
  • Training
  • Leadership
  • Privacy
  • Military Career
  • Motivation
  • Love
  • Finding the right seat on the bus
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Leadership is a technical skill
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Accomplish the mission through people
  • staying technically competent
  • asking good questions

Connect with Vincent

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