AGL 288: Engineering Careers with Jeff Perry

AGL 287: Changing the Game with Lucy Chow
November 21, 2022
Steven Mark Kahan
AGL 289: Steve Kahan
December 6, 2022

AGL 288: Engineering Careers with Jeff Perry

Jeff Perry

About Jeff

The engineering Career CoachAs a software, mechanical, and manufacturing engineer, Jeff designed and developed a lot of products and processes. Now Jeff builds people. This is where his joy and professional satisfaction comes from—being a part of helping others succeed and grow. Every person is unique and has different challenges.

For years, Jeff has had the pleasure of supporting engineers and software pros from new grads to executives. Having been on the front lines in the technical world, he has been able to map out the necessary skills for becoming a quality leader in the field.

When you work with Jeff as your coach, you work with someone who has been where you are, and has the skills to get you where you want to go.

Jeff would love to learn about you and the challenges you face. Please reach out to him on LinkedIn or email him at

Today we talked about

  • Jeff’s background
  • Jeff Doesn’t really listen :)
  • Giving and Receiving Feedback
  • Newton’s 3rd law
  • Truth is a gift
  • What’s changing for Engineers
  • How to grow into leaders?
  • Mindset
  • Delegation
  • Belief Systems
  • Find the Why
  • Finding a mentor
  • Who do you want to know
  • Who do you know now
  • Coaching Engagement 


Connect with Jeff

I hope you enjoyed this show, please head over to Apple Podcasts and subscribe and leave me a rating and review, even one sentence will help spread the word.  Thanks again!

A2 Hosting

A2 HostingI’ve been using A2 Hosting for several years.  They offer state of the art SSD hosting for all of their plans.  Their sites are super fast and easy to setup.  I rarely need support, but when I was migrating my sites to a larger plan I used their support services and they were phenomenal.  I highly recommend A2 hosting for all of your hosting needs.  And I also recommend everyone to have a personal website. If you’re in technology and looking for a job and don’t have your own website, I probably wouldn’t hire you.  Just sayin’.

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