AGL 059: Kent C. Dodds

Today we have Kent C. Dodds on the show.  He and I talked about lots of things including how he got started developing software and some of his early work in automation.  We talked about some of his mistakes and why its important to share your mistakes so that others can learn from them.  We talked about giving back to the community, teaching to learn and many more topics. This is a fantastic conversation and a must listen.

Kent C. Dodds works at PayPal as a full stack JavaScript engineer. He represents PayPal on the TC39. He’s actively involved in the open source community. He’s an instructor on egghead.ioFrontend Masters, and He’s also a Google Developer Expert. Kent is happily married and the father of four kids. He likes his family, code, JavaScript, and React.

Today we talked about:

  • Kent’s origin story in technology
  • Lessons’s learned
  • Why its important to have an attitude of gratitude
  • The importance of making mistakes
  • Why you should teach what you want to learn

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