AGL 007: Overcoming Fear, Anxiety, and the Impostor Syndrome


We all are afraid of something.  

Being a leader demands bravery. In this episode I talk about getting over FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). I list and explain these 4 steps for dealing with fear:

  1. Play it out. What’s the worse that can happen?
  2. What’s the likelihood of that thing happening?
  3. How can you reduce the likelihood of that happening?
  4. If the worse happens, how can you recover?

We need to understand that everyone deals with fear.  The most successful people just “do it anyway.”

Getting over the imposter Syndrome.  Check out this article from StartupBros on getting over.  I pulled a few examples from it in this episode.

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less” – C.S. Lewis



October 6, 2015

AGL 007: Overcoming Fear, Anxiety, and the Impostor Syndrome

  We all are afraid of something.   Being a leader demands bravery. In this episode I talk about getting over FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). I list and explain these 4 steps for dealing with fear: Play it out. What’s the worse that can happen? What’s the likelihood of that thing happening? How can you reduce the likelihood of that happening? If the worse happens, how can you recover? We need to understand that everyone deals with fear.  The most successful people just “do it anyway.” Getting over the imposter Syndrome.  Check out this article from StartupBros on getting […]
October 4, 2015

AGL 006: Likability, Soft Skills and why likability is so important for career advancement

In this episode I talk about likability.  Being liked at work is actually pretty important.  A lot of people believe that being good at their job, or having some special skill will help them get ahead.  But the truth is that likability plays a huge role in where you end up. People want to hire people they like and promote people they like.  Don’t you want to work with people you like too?  Yes, its important to have skill, but talent will only take you so far.  To advance your career even farther, you mush be liked.  Take a listen […]
September 30, 2015

AGL 005: Book Review: Simon Sinek – Leaders Eat Last

I listen to a lot of audiobooks.  About a year ago, I listened to Simon Sinek’s Leaders Eat Last audiobook.  I loved this book.  In my opinion its better than his first best seller, Start With Why. In this book, Simon Sinek tells the story of Johnny Bravo, a military pilot and how he risked his life to defend ground troops in battle. He uses this story to illustrate the idea of the “Circle of Safety.” Circle of Safety Simon tells us that we should focus on helping those around us and under us instead of one-upping them. He uses […]
September 29, 2015

AGL 004: Having the Difficult Conversation

Having Difficult conversations is really important.  I don’t think anyone would argue that. Many times we feel awkward and don’t want to have the conversation and things go from bad to worse… or they just never get resolved.  This podcast is to give you 3 tips on having difficult conversations that I got from Ash Beckham’s Ted Talk from a few years ago. I hope you guys like this one and get something from it.  Please leave me a note in the comments below and better yet, subscribe and review the podcast in iTunes. Play in new window | […]
September 24, 2015

AGL 003: Dealing with Distractons

Distractions overwhelm us everyday… They overwhelm me every hour. This podcast episode is a short talk about how to deal with distractions. I hope that it helps you handle daily distractions that you encounter. Please leave me a comment below and subscribe in iTunes. Thanks so much. Sponsor: What’s HTML? – Learn it in 4 Hours. Amazon Link Audible Link Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More
September 24, 2015

AGL 002: Motivating Creatives – TEDxHickory 2015 – My TED Talk

I’m super excited to share the TEDx Talk I gave back in March of 2015 at TEDxHickory.  I gave this talk on motivation and leadership.  In this talk I mentioned other talks and books by Simon Sinek, who taught us to “Start With Why” and Dan Pink who explained that autonomy, mastery and purpose are what motivates creative thinkers today.  I hope you get a lot from this episode and if you want to watch the talk and see the slides used, check out the video below. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More