AGL 049: Herding Tigers Book Review

I read, well listen to, a lot of leadership books.  Most of the leadership books I read are either very theoretical, with little practical advise, but very good theory, or very practical, with steps you can take, but not much on the “why” those steps really work.  This book, Herding Tigers, by Todd Henry is the best of both worlds.  I was telling Todd the other day that his writing seems to follow my career.  His first book, Accidental Creative, is about what to do when you find that you’re accidentally in a creative field, when no one taught you how to creatively solve problems and be brilliant at a moments notice.  He talks about getting in your creative rhythm and  F.R.E.S.H. (focus relationships energy stimuli hours). In his second book, Die Empty (which is a lot like a continuation of Accidental Creative, Todd talks about how to empty yourself everyday to create your best work. He talks about leaving a legacy and how empty yourself, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Todd’s 3rd book, Louder than Words, is all about the steps needed to harness your authentic voice…not find your voice, but mold and create it.  To learn more about this book, check out an earlier interview I had with Todd about it just after it came out.

So all of that brings us to Herding Tigers. This book is about leading creative teams.  In IT, our teams are creative whether we like it or not.  We create solutions everyday, whether it involves writing code, tweaking systems or designing networks.  We must be creative, and our leaders must know how to lead creative teams. This is the book that I wish I had when I made the transition from developer to manager.  This book focuses heavily on going from “Maker to Manager.”  Many things in the book may seem common sense when you read it, but there are things that you don’t think about unless you’ve had good leaders teach you those skills in the past. There are many favorite passages from this book, and I find it to be one of the most highlighted books in my office. The chapters are very story based and theoretical at first, but they end it with “Actions,” “Conversations“, “Rituals” which give you actionable and practical things you can and should be doing as a good leader.

This book covers making the shift from Maker to Manager better than any other leadership book that I have read.  It goes through very practical things that leaders forget about after they’ve been in the a leadership role for a few years, but would be very helpful for those making the shift.  This includes how do deal with confidentiality now that you’re a manager, changing terminology of “my stuff” to “our stuff,” building and keeping trust, creating a stable, yet challenging work environment, how to encourage your team to “fight fair” and much, much more!

One of my favorite parts of the book is actually after the book is finished.  Todd lists out all of the rituals he mentions in the books and puts them in order of things a leader should do weekly, monthly, and quarterly.  This checklist format is very helpful for geeks like me.

I’m not going to summarize the book here, you need to get it and read (or listen to it on Audible) for yourself.  Click here to get Herding Tigers from Amazon.





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August 1, 2018
herding tigers

AGL 049: Herding Tigers Book Review

I read, well listen to, a lot of leadership books.  Most of the leadership books I read are either very theoretical, with little practical advise, but very good theory, or very practical, with steps you can take, but not much on the “why” those steps really work.  This book, Herding Tigers, by Todd Henry is the best of both worlds.  I was telling Todd the other day that his writing seems to follow my career.  His first book, Accidental Creative, is about what to do when you find that you’re accidentally in a creative field, when no one taught you […]
July 30, 2018
richard taylor

AGL 048: Leadership Chat with Richard Taylor

Today I had the opportunity to talk to Microsoft MVP, Richard Taylor. He’s a super cool guy, with great leadership stories and an epic beard. We talked about his journey into leadership and the values from working on building your team for the longterm instead of writing code to fix short-term problems.  Richard brought lots of energy and great stories of his journey into leadership. Richard L. Taylor Jr. is a 25 year software development and technology professional living in Huntersville, NC. His experience includes the design and development of small to enterprise class applications. He currently serves as Vice […]
July 26, 2018
jim holmes

AGL 047: The Leadership Journey with Jim Holmes

The Leadership Journey is a book by Jim Holmes.  Jim joins me today for a great talk about his journey through leadership, his book, and some struggles and adversity he’s been through and how he’s working to overcome them. You can read about Jim and his writings on his blog Frazziled Dad. Jim’s beginnings start from a farming background, then a time in the Air Force learning technology and leadership while in the service.  While in the service, he met his wife, who was an officer at the time, while he was enlisted.  Having a relationship was against the rules, […]
July 23, 2018
General John E. Michel

AGL 046: Positive Leadership with General John E. Michel – USAF

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July 19, 2018
Andy Davis

AGL 045: Andy Davis – Venturi’s Voice – Tech Leadership and Career Podcast

Today we have Andy Davis from Venturi Group on the podcast. Andy is the host of Venturi’s Voice podcast (itunes) and currently the Director of Marketing at Venturi Group, an IT Recruitment agency based in the UK, New York & Berlin. Andy has an interesting story and background.  He started out working for seed level startups and even worked on the now famous Hyperloop project that was spawned by a paper from Elon Musk. We talk about startup culture and some of the things Andy learned while working for startups and some advice to folks wanting to go down the startup […]
July 16, 2018

AGL 044: Nicole Greer – SHINE for Leadership

Today we have one of my favorite people, Nicole Greer, with us from Vibrant Coaching.  Nicole Greer works with leaders in organizations who want to develop their talent, increase the bottom line, and coach individuals to engage with the vision. As the principal coach and CEO of Vibrant Coaching, she helps individuals, corporations, government entities and non-profits become the people they were created to be and make what is possible…probable! In addition to speaking and coaching, Nicole is an active blogger, hosts a podcast and writes articles for womens’ magazines, government and business journals. She is on a mission to […]