10 Minute Office Workout

A workout for the workplace… 10 min workout

October 8, 2014

10 Minute Office Workout

A workout for the workplace… 
October 8, 2014

Todd Henry: Brilliance Demands Bravery

April 18, 2014

Book Review – Crash the Chatterbox

Crash the Chatterbox By Steven Furtick – Click here to buy on Amazon This is the 3rd book by Steven Furtick that I’ve read in the past 2 years.  His other 2, Sun Stand Still and Greater were excellent, so I came into this with high expectations. Crash the Chatterbox is a book about hearing God’s voice above all of the other chatter that goes on inside of our heads.  Pastor Steven points out that one of the enemy’s best weapons isn’t temptation, but fear, doubt and self-conscious thoughts that keep us from doing the will of God.  To be […]
February 4, 2014

Famous Failures… Never Give Up!

This video is inspiring to me because you get to see so many talented people, who had a growth mindset and didn’t let failure get the best of them. They learned from their short comings and mistakes, and got better. Jordan was cut because he wasn’t good enough, but he didn’t let that stop him. He started practicing harder and working harder and that led to him becoming the greatest basketball player of all times.
October 15, 2013

Being Effective

A quick video that I made for my class on being effective vs. just being efficient.  Remember, efficiently doing ineffective thing is still ineffective.  Do Effective things.
March 28, 2013

Mobilenomics – Erick Qualman’s Mobile Stats

Another great video from Erik Qualman.